New College Durham Academies Trust

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Become an NCDAT Academy

A key aim of NCDAT is to grow and have high performing schools as part of our family of Academies. We accept that each school will be at a different starting point in their journey of improvement and we will work collaboratively to achieve our aim. We are open to discussions with both secondary and primary schools in our local area.

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Our improvement approach is for schools to support each other and to achieve this we aim to attract Good or Outstanding Schools into our Trust, although in some circumstances we would consider those who are RI but have the capacity to quickly become Good with our support.  Our engagement of these schools will focus on a two core approach:

  1. Communicating the benefits of being part of NCDAT

  2. Proactive engagement with the Trust

The infrastructure of the Trust will take away burden on schools to manage support services and allow them to focus on effective teaching and learning as well as having the opportunity to deliver school to school support across all our Trust.

We will also offer the following as a way of attracting a school into our Trust:

  • A flexible Scheme of Delegation for their Academy Committee to continue to lead and manage the school

  • A chance to generate income and lead our school improvement by offering school to school support

  • CPD for all staff - teaching and non teaching 

  • Stability in a fast changing and uncertain education landscape

  • Access to shared services and economies of scale

Our Services

Managing Academies brings financial challenges and responsibilities that would not be considered within a Local Authority, our cost-effective infrastructure eases the burden on our academies.

We provide the following services:

  • Strategic Finance Support including

    • Production of financial policies which comply with the latest Academies Financial Handbook​

    • Production of Medium Term Financial Plans

    • Preparation of financial statements in line with the Department for Education/ESFA requirements

    • Development of a suite of Financial Key Performance Indicators

    • Risk Management Support

    • External Bid Writing

  • Operational Finance Support including​

    • VAT returns

    • Monthly Management Accounts, including production and presentation of Governor meetings

    • Cash Flow forecast

    • Bank Account and Control Account reconciliations

    • Preparing financial statements in line with the Department for Education (DfE) and Education Funding Agency (EFA) requirements

  • Payroll 

  • Contract management and support

  • Estates and premises management support

  • Software and processes training for school finance staff

  • HR Support, consultancy and training

  • IT/Data support and consultancy