New College Durham Academies Trust

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Join Our Academy Trust

Joining our Trust will ensure that you are part of a family of good schools that is striving to deliver high achievement and success within an aligned autonomy approach. Our vision is that our schools are inclusive, safe and exciting centres of learning where our children elevate their life chances and aspirations no matter what part of their learning journey they are on.  

As a school within NCDAT, we provide opportunities for our schools to work collaboratively with each other and draw on the expertise across the phases to ensure that we are continually developing our approach to learning to maximise best practice and therefore deliver the highest quality education for our children. This is not just about joining a larger organisation but about joining a family of schools that are aligned in their approach to provide the best learning environment for our pupils.


The NCDAT family benefits from having access to a range of shared resources, training and School Improvement Team all aimed at driving up standards and innovating our approach. Access to our excellent Central Team provides the infrastructure of the Trust to take away the burden on schools to manage support services and allow them to focus on effective teaching and learning as well as having the opportunity to deliver school to school support across all our Trust.


Our Central Team has the capacity to deliver high quality services to our schools and a number of external partners to ensure that schools and headteachers receive the necessary support in a timely manner. The services are scalable and designed to grow alongside the addition of more schools.

Our Central Services

  • School Improvement Services
    • Primary
    • Secondary
  • Strategic Finance Support
  • Operational Finance Support
  • Payroll 
  • Contract management and support
  • Estates and premises management support
  • Software and processes training for school finance staff
  • HR Support, consultancy and training
  • IT/Data support and consultancy


For Further information please contact us on