New College Durham Academies Trust

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Developing Teacher

This Pathway details how the Trust supports the professional development of staff within the experienced leader position. The professional development, which the Trust would support is detailed at each stage.

ECT/ITT Mentor Training

Completing the Mentor training as delivered by the relevant awarding body

Please liaise with your academy lead for ECT/ITTs and register your interest to becoming a mentor. You will be given time to attend training, and time within the academy to meet with the SLT link leading ECTs/ITTs who will also compliment the external training received.  

Testimonial - "I have learnt so much from being a mentor to an ITT student. Not only has the training developed and refreshed my pedagogical knowledge, but I have reflected on why I use specific strategies to ensure the best outcomes. It has made me consciously consider my own practice when many of my decisions are innate. I would recommend becoming a mentor as it will be one of the most powerful forms of CPD you can undertake for yourself, whilst importantly guiding and supporting someone else."

Teaching Group Member

Become a member of the teaching teams within each Academy in order to develop the quality of education across the Academy

If you are interested in joining the teaching and learning team in your academy, please speak to the Deputy Headteacher leading the Quality of Education. They will be able to give you information about when the meetings will be held, what your academy’s SIP priorities are, and how you will be able to support the school through your valuable contributions for teaching and learning.


Opportunities in Leading Departmental Professional Development / in specialised areas

Delivering bespoke CPD within departments focusing on an area of your specialism.

Sharing specialist practice in whole school CPD sessions.

We welcome staff who are keen to share their subject specialist knowledge with their peers to support improvements in student progress. Speak to your Head of Department who can share what their DIP priorities are for this year, and discuss how you can use your knowledge to contribute to the delivery of high-quality CPD. Once you have delivered CPD within your department, consider sharing this during whole school CPD sessions during briefing, through your teaching and learning newsletter, or during a PD Day.  


Chartered Teacher Programme

Complete the Charted Teacher Programme delivered by the Chartered College of Teaching.

Professional Knowledge Award Professional Knowledge Award –


Examiner Training/Moderation Training

Apply and complete the relevant training to become an examiner for the exam board used for you subject.


Lesson Observation Training

Complete the training on lesson observations as delivered by a relevant training provider, or an internal trust leader.