New College Durham Academies Trust

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Experienced Senior Leader

This Pathway details how the Trust supports the professional development of staff as an experienced senior leader. The professional development, which the Trust would support, is detailed within each area.

Access executive leadership programmes

Secondment to other schools both internal and external to the Trust -

Please express any interest in this to your Head teacher who can liaise with the CEO or recommend you for any emerging opportunities. 

Leading NCDAT Review

Please express any interest in this to your Head teacher who can liaise with the CEO or recommend you for any opportunities in your area of expertise.


Testimonial - Leading a trust review at another school within the trust allowed me to develop my observation, feedback and curriculum analysis skills in a setting where I didn’t already know the staff so could be completely impartial. It gave me an opportunity to reflect on my own department and setting through a new lens. 

Access to relevant NGA  NGA

Experience of Academy Trust Committees

Secondment to the Central Team

Executive Leadership/ CEO Development Programme NPQ Executive Leadership  NIOT School Trust CEO Programme

NPQ Headship

NPQH - 18 months NPQH 

Lead a local or national network group

Participation in regional Heads’ network meetings

Leading regional/ national CPD opportunities

Become a member of professional associations, such as:

Association of Educational Advisors – for Headteachers AOEA

Chartered Teacher Programme

Certificate in evidence-informed practice Certificate in Evidence-Informed Practice –