New College Durham Academies Trust

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Catchgate Primary School Achieves Gold Charter Accreditation from Family Action Young Carers

Catchgate Primary School is proud to announce it has been awarded the prestigious Gold Charter Accreditation from Family Action’s Young Carers service. This honour recognises the school’s exceptional commitment to supporting young carers within its school community.

Family Actions Young Carers accreditation acknowledges schools that go above and beyond to identify, support and nurture young carers, children and young people who take on caring responsibilities for family members.

By achieving Gold Charter Accreditation, Catchgate School has demonstrated its outstanding efforts in providing young carers with the support they need to thrive academically, socially and emotionally.

Joanne Shaw, Head Teacher, expressed pride in the achievement ‘This award is testament to our commitment to recognising and supporting young carers. We are dedicated to ensuring that every child in our care, including those with significant responsibilities at home, is given the opportunity to succeed. We will continue to provide an inclusive, compassionate environment where young carers feel valued and supported.’

To achieve this accreditation Catchgate School has implemented a range of initiatives including providing emotional support and creating a young carers support group. The school also works closely with families to ensure that young carers have access to the resources and understanding they need.